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5 Ways To Prevent Alzheimer’s And Dementia

Alzheimers is a terrifying disease. Over 5 million Americans are affected by Alzheimer’s in the US. More than half of these people don’t even know they have it because it is so hard do diagnose in its early stages.

While there is no cure for Alzheimer’s there may be a way to prevent it from starting.

Check out this replay for five tips to help keep your mind sharp and reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer’s or dementia!


As we age, many of us fear having Alzheimer’s disease or another kind of Dementia. Alzheimer’s affects an estimated 5.5 million Americans over the age of 65. And, a lot more are predicted to suffer from the disease unless strategies to prevent or postpone its onset are in place.

Although research has been undertaken and others are currently underway, a cure for Alzheimer’s disease-related dementia has yet to be found. However, researchers have uncovered potential ways to prevent the diseases and are gaining a better understanding of what could work and what could not.

So, in this article, let’s talk about Alzheimer’s Disease and how we can help prevent its onset. Learn from our tips to keep your brain and body active and combat Alzheimer’s and dementia.

What is Alzheimer’s Disease

Though Alzheimer’s disease does become more prevalent as people age, it’s not a typical aspect of aging. However, some genetic factors and lifestyle aspects increase the likelihood of developing it. But, having certain genes does not indicate that you will get Alzheimer’s disease.

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive brain ailment that gradually impairs memory and cognitive abilities. It may also affect a person’s capacity to do even the most basic activities, like speaking and communicating. Other than that, the majority of patients with the condition develop symptoms in their mid-60s.

You may think that Alzheimer’s disease is just memory loss. However, it’s not as simple as that. But, memory issues are often one of the earliest indications of Alzheimer’s disease. Initial symptoms also vary by individual. Alzheimer’s may also be characterized by a decline in other areas of cognition, such as difficulty finding the proper words, visual/spatial difficulties, and poor reasoning or perception.

What is Dementia

Not to be confused with Alzheimer’s, Dementia is a broad term that refers to progressive deterioration in the mental capacity that impairs everyday functioning. It is associated with damage to brain cells that impair the capability to communicate. Subsequently, it affects a person’s thinking, behavior, and emotions.

Alzheimer’s disease is a kind of Dementia characterized by complex brain changes that occur due to cell damage. Moreover, the condition continues to deteriorate with time.

Alzheimer’s and Inflammation

Until recently, we believed that Alzheimer’s disease was only caused by physical abnormalities in the brain. However, researchers discovered that persons with Alzheimer’s disease have these structures known as plaques and tangles.

So, pharmaceutical firms have been concentrating on developing medications that specifically target these plaques and tangles. But, plaques and tangles begin to form in the brain even years before symptoms develop. 

Thus, what triggered the symptoms? What triggers the onset of Alzheimer’s symptoms? There is mounting evidence that inflammation has a role in the development of Alzheimer’s disease. And, this kind of inflammation is detrimental to the brain. 

You know that we always talk about inflammation. Remember that not all inflammation is detrimental. It’s generally known that the brain’s acute inflammation serves as a natural defense against pathogens, toxins, and trauma. As with Alzheimer’s disease, the balance between anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory signals is disrupted, resulting in a long-term state of inflammation (neuroinflammation).

How to prevent Alzheimer’s And Dementia

While inflammation is a significant risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease, there are steps you can take to help minimize your risk. We may adopt lifestyle modifications to help minimize inflammation. Our goal is that by reducing inflammation, we can decrease the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

The following are some methods that may aid in the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia.

Eat A Healthy Diet

Think about what you eat. Is your diet full of junk? We cannot stress this enough: the standard American diet, or S.A.D., is sad. It may also cause inflammation in the brain. So, stop eating junk food since it is causing you to gain weight and harming your stomach; it is also damaging your brain.

Decades of studies have shown a substantial link between diet and Alzheimer’s. Hence, eating a well-balanced diet may help lower your chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Additionally, it may help lower the risk of developing other diseases such as cancer, type 2 diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and heart disease.

Moreover, no single substance, vitamin, or food can significantly enhance brain health on its own. Rather than that, it is the consumption of various items in the appropriate amounts that makes a huge difference. This is referred to as a ‘balanced diet.’

Some of our dietary habits are especially beneficial in helping prevent Dementia. So, it’s important to mind what we eat. But, what kind of dietary habits are we talking about here? 

First, it should be extremely plant-rich. Eat the rainbow, as we love to put it. This means consuming a wide variety of colorful fruits and vegetables to get the most antioxidants and vitamins for your health. This includes green leafy vegetables, berries, and cruciferous veggies like broccoli. The more fruits and veggies you eat, the better off you will be.

It’s also important to have healthy fat in your diet. Fat is critical for brain health since 70% of our diet is fat. However, not all fats are healthy. So, get good fats like omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. The Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) present in these good fats has been shown to help prevent Alzheimer’s and Dementia by decreasing plaques.

As you can see, by eating a well-balanced diet, you increase your chances of getting all of your brain’s nutrients to function properly. So, throw away those junk foods and start eating healthy now! 

Take Time To Exercise

Regular physical activity may significantly lower your chances of having Alzheimer’s disease by as much as 50%. You’ve read it right: Exercise is a must! Exercise may also help delay the progression of cognitive difficulties in people who have already begun to experience them. 

Furthermore, exercise helps prevent Alzheimer’s by boosting the brain’s capacity to retain and form new synapses. And there’s a lot more of what exercise can do to your body, especially to your brain.

Hence, try to work out for at least 30 minutes at an average pace every other day. If you’ve been sedentary for a long time, beginning an exercise routine might be daunting. However, keep in mind that even a small amount of activity is better than none. 

Even moderate increases in physical activity throughout the week may significantly impact your overall health. Start small with things you enjoy—for instance, a daily 10-minute walk. Then, give yourself time to build up your pace and self-confidence. 

Get Adequate Sleep

Not getting your daily dose of sleep? Numerous studies have shown a relationship between sleep deprivation and the progression of Alzheimer’s and Dementia. Likewise, several studies have stressed the critical role of sleep in eliminating toxins from the brain. 

Inadequate sleep has been related to increased beta-amyloid concentrations in the brain. It is a sticky protein that can further disrupt the restful sleep required for memory formation. If you have plenty of this sticky protein in your brain, you may find yourself forgetting a lot of things.

If chronic sleep deprivation impairs your brain and emotions, you may be more prone to developing Alzheimer’s symptoms. So here are some tips to assist you in sleeping better:

  • Establish a consistent bedtime routine and stick to it. Sleeping and waking at the same time every day supports your circadian cycles. This sets a cue of regularity to your brain’s clock.
  • Create a calming bedtime routine. Take a warm bath, stretch a little, put on some soothing music, or turn down the lights to help you rest. Your evening ritual will convey a strong message to the brain that it’s time for the needed deep, restful sleep.

Manage Your Stress

Frequent or chronic stress may have a significant negative effect on the brain. It may shrink the critical memory regions of the brain, impair nerve cell proliferation, and raise the risk of Alzheimer’s and Dementia. So, if you’re experiencing stress, you might be prone to developing Alzheimer’s. 

Stress may damage your brain, but there are easy ways to safeguard your brain from the damage it causes. 

The first is to maintain a peaceful state of mind by doing things that make you feel good about yourself. Stress-relieving practices such as meditation, prayer, and reflection may help protect you from its negative effects.

It’s also important that you have fun. Do things that provide you delight, such as camping, playing an instrument, or riding your bike. Having fun takes your worries away from the things around you. It’s not bad having fun once in a while, especially since it’s beneficial for your brain.

Take The Right Supplements

Food is the most effective method to get your much-needed vitamins and minerals. However, it may be challenging for some to consume a proper amount of fresh vegetables, fruits, grains, and other nutritious choices. With the correct supplements, you don’t have to worry about not getting essential nutrients.

If you combine the correct vitamins with a better lifestyle (as part of this full meal), you may significantly improve your brain health. Here are some supplements that may improve your brain health:

  • Multivitamins. Take a multivitamin with enough methylating elements, such as B12, folate, and B6. Ensure that the nutrients are in the proper forms and bioavailable.
  • DHA. Make sure you’re getting enough fish oil. Your brain is composed of 60% DHA, which is essentially fish oil or omega-3 fatty acids. DHA aids in cell communication and raises BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) levels.
  • Vitamin D. Make sure that you are getting an adequate amount of vitamin D. Vitamin D activates over 900 genes and is one of its most critical functions in forming and maintaining brain synapses.
  • Magnesium. Numerous individuals are magnesium deficient, which is important for proper brain function. Magnesium also has calming properties, so you may take it before night to aid in sleep.

Bottom Line On Alzheimer’s Disease And Dementia Prevention

Having Alzheimer’s disease or any kind of dementia is something that many of us are afraid of. But it’s not the end, we can do things to delay the onset of these diseases. While Alzheimer’s disease is complicated, the most effective technique for slowing it down could be a mix of interventions. 

Eating well, exercising, getting adequate sleep, and managing stress are essential components of a healthy lifestyle that may prevent the disease. Taking the correct vitamins may also help you reach new heights in your brain’s health.

Of course, you should be checked and treated if required, but start making these lifestyle adjustments immediately to achieve results. As usual, if you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us or book a consult at .

Hi! I’m Dr. E, The NP with a PHD. Several years ago, my wife was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and the only options given to us were heavy duty medications.

We KNEW there had to be a better way. After a long search, we discovered functional medicine.

With functional medicine we found alternative ways we were able to manage her disease and get her back to feeling like her old self.

We discovered that this way of life not only helps people with various issues, including autoimmune, chronic issues and “I-don’t-feel-good-itis.”

Functional medicine drastically changed our lives and using it I developed The KNEW Method to help others who are suffering or not feeling optimal.

Let’s work together to get you to feeling like your old self again.

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