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6 Foods You Should Never Eat

Did you know ultra-processed foods increase death rate? Yet they make up 60% of our diet and 67% of our kids’ diets.

In fact there are 6 foods you should avoid at all costs, foods that have been scientifically proven to cause disease and death.

So why do we still keep reaching for them?

To learn what these dangerous foods are, and how to avoid them, check out this replay!

And drop the word “ACTION” if you’re ready to work with us!

6 Foods You Should Never Eat

When it comes to maintaining good health, it’s beneficial to understand which food items contain the necessary nutrients. Likewise, knowing which food items to avoid is just as important.

Every day, we face the difficulty of making the healthiest food choices, thanks to all the fast-food restaurants. Sadly, many widely consumed foods are harmful to one’s health. And many of them may astound you.

Continue reading to discover more about the food items that may jeopardize your health.

Trans Fats

Trans fat is often regarded as the worst kind of fat to consume because they elevate “bad” cholesterol and lower “good” cholesterol in contrast to healthy dietary fats. So, A diet high in these bad fats raises one’s risk of developing heart disease. 

So, what are trans fats? Trans fats are created industrially by adding hydrogen to vegetable oil. This process results in oil solidifying at room temperature. This partly hydrogenated oil is quite affordable and has a low spoilage rate. In other words, foods manufactured with it have an extended shelf life. 

However, as a result of their negative health effects, the FDA has banned food and beverage producers in the United States from using trans fats. Moreover, several states in the United States have imposed restrictions or outright bans on the use of these fats.

Unfortunately, in the US, if a product contains less than 0.5 grams trans fat per serving, its label may declare “0 grams trans fats.” These subtle trans fats may quickly accumulate, especially if you eat large portions of said products.

High Fructose Corn Syrup

Do you love drinking soft drinks? Then, it may be high time to stop. High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) has found its way into more of our everyday food, like cereals, bread, and snacks. Moreover, it’s less expensive, sweeter, and more easily absorbed by the body compared to ordinary sugar. But, consuming an excessive amount of HFCS might result in diabetes, obesity, and hypertension.

HFCS is an artificial sweetener made from processed corn starch. It is widely used to improve the taste of food and drinks. Over 40% of the added sugars in everyday food and drink come from HFCS. So, keep an eye out for the terms “high-fructose corn syrup” or “corn sugar” on nutrition labels if you want to eat healthily. Moreover, eating natural, whole, and organic food is the only way to avoid HFCS totally.


As the name implies, preservatives are substances added to food to extend its shelf life. In addition to preserving the shelf life of food, these chemicals also preserve its taste. 

Preserving food has been a practice since ancient culture. To extend the shelf life of meats and fish, ancient civilizations treated them with salt. Today, food preservation is accomplished by the use of chemicals, which are very damaging to human health.

You may think all preservatives are harmful, but they’re not. Not all preservatives have negative effects on the human body. Using natural preservatives does not pose major health risks. This is because they aren’t tainted by synthetic substances or other chemicals.

On the other hand, artificial preservatives often use a variety of chemicals to prevent packed and perishable food from rotting. Preservatives like this are made and synthesized in a laboratory. 

Getting rid of preservatives from our diet can be challenging, but reducing our intake isn’t. Rather than depending on packaged food products, you can include fresh fruits, veggies, juices, fresh lean protein, and non-fat dairy into your diet. 

Lastly, before buying food, closely examine the labels. Most of the time, a cursory check will tell you whether or not the item is healthy for you.

Ultra-processed Food

You may have come across the term “ultra-processed food” in the news lately. To be honest, the term “ultra-processed” makes me nervous, and the evidence that supports it is just as alarming.

But what exactly is ultra-processed food? What makes it different from commercially produced food? While these two words may seem similar, they are really quite different.

The term “processed food” refers to any food items that have undergone some modification, like canning, smoking, or pasteurization, before they can be sold. On the other hand, ultra-processed food includes additives like sugar, preservatives, synthetic tastes, and colors.

Ultra-processed foods are often overconsumed because of their attractive packaging and convenience. Additionally, many of these meals are heavy in added sugar, saturated fat, and salt. They also have empty calories since they are low in nutritious value.

You may minimize buying ultra-processed products by shopping the perimeter of the supermarket rather than the middle aisles. Supermarkets’ central aisles contain the largest chunk of their ultra-processed food selection. Moreover, fresh fruit, legumes, and whole grains should always be at the top of your shopping list.

Artificial Sweeteners

If you’re cutting sugar and calories from your diet, you may be using artificial sweeteners or other sugar alternatives. Artificial sweeteners may be present in a wide variety of “sugar-free” or “diet” foods and drinks, such as soft drinks and pastries.

Due to their low caloric content, sugar substitutes like artificial sweeteners may be an appealing option for some people. However, artificial sweeteners may disrupt the bacteria of the gut. And we all know that the microbiome has a profound impact on our health. 

To add insult to injury, artificial sweeteners seem to activate your brain’s insulin reaction. So, even if you don’t eat anything, it’ll cause your brain to believe that sugar is on the way. Then, your body will begin producing significant amounts of insulin, which causes you to be more hungry and binge.

So, when you look at all the research, those who consume artificial sweeteners are more likely to be overweight and develop diabetes. As surprising as it may sound, the evidence supports this view.

Foods Made With High Amounts Of Pesticides

The Environmental Working Group publishes a list of Dirty Dozen™ fruits and vegetables every year to highlight those products with the highest pesticide exposure. Pesticides may have varying health impacts depending on their chemical composition.

Some pesticides may have an impact on the nervous system. Others may cause skin or eye irritation. Some pesticides have been shown to cause cancer. And others may have an impact on the hormone or endocrine systems in the body.

Whenever possible, you should choose organic and pesticide-free products. So, you don’t wind up eating pesticide-laced food while trying to be healthy. You can’t always do it right, but if you want to reduce your exposure to pesticides, this is the best way to do it.

Although certain washing methods help reduce pesticide residues, no washing procedure is 100 percent effective at eliminating them. Why? Because fruits and vegetables have pores. So, wash your fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating them.


To summarize, stay away from anything sweetened with artificial sweeteners and anything that has ultra-processed. It’s also important to consume a balanced diet that provides your body with every nutrient it needs, without taking an excessive amount of calories. 

We know that trying to eat more healthy might be daunting. So, if you’re having trouble or unsure where to start, you may reach out to our team for support. We help you be the Gamechanger in your life. Book an appointment here.

Hi! I’m Dr. E, The NP with a PHD. Several years ago, my wife was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and the only options given to us were heavy duty medications.

We KNEW there had to be a better way. After a long search, we discovered functional medicine.

With functional medicine we found alternative ways we were able to manage her disease and get her back to feeling like her old self.

We discovered that this way of life not only helps people with various issues, including autoimmune, chronic issues and “I-don’t-feel-good-itis.”

Functional medicine drastically changed our lives and using it I developed The KNEW Method to help others who are suffering or not feeling optimal.

Let’s work together to get you to feeling like your old self again.

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