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Warning Signs of Heat Exhaustion: What You Must Know

With summer in full swing, it’s the perfect time for outdoor activities and fun in the sun. But with rising temperatures, it’s important to be proactive about your health and safety. Understanding how to recognize and respond to heat exhaustion could be the difference between a minor inconvenience and a life-threatening emergency.

Recently, CBS NEWS NY invited Dr. Efrat Lamandre to shed some light on this important issue. Let’s break down what she shared and learn how to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe during these sweltering summer days.

What Is Heat Exhaustion?

Before diving into the signs, let’s clear up what heat exhaustion is. According to Dr. Efrat Lamandre, heat exhaustion happens when “your body’s working really hard to try to cool you down.” This often occurs when you’re exposed to high temperatures for too long, especially if you’re exercising or doing physical work outside.

Your body uses sweat to cool itself down. But when it’s really hot, sweating isn’t always enough. Your body may start to struggle, and that’s where the trouble begins.

Recognizing the Signs of Heat Exhaustion

So, what should you watch out for? Dr. Lamandre points out some key symptoms:

Profuse Sweating

Sweating buckets? That’s your body’s way of trying to cool down. However, if you notice you’re sweating excessively, it could be a warning sign.


Feeling lightheaded or dizzy? This happens because your body is directing a lot of blood flow to the skin to help with cooling, leaving less for other critical areas like your brain.


Dr. Lamandre adds that nausea can be a clue your body is under too much heat stress. If you feel like you might be sick, it’s time to take a break and cool down.

Why Heat Exhaustion is Serious

One of the most dangerous things about heat exhaustion is that it can quickly turn into heat stroke. As Dr. Lamandre aptly puts it, “That could be lethal. That’s an emergency.” Heat stroke is when your body loses the ability to cool down on its own, and it can be life-threatening.

heat exhaustion

What To Do If You Suspect Heat Exhaustion

Recognizing the signs is just the first step. Here’s what you should do next:

Get to a Cool Place

Find some shade or an air-conditioned space. Moving to a cooler environment can help lower your body temperature.


Drinking water is crucial. Aim for water or electrolyte-rich drinks like Pedialyte. Dr. Efrat Lamandre recommends, “focus on getting those numbers in” to stay hydrated.

Cool Down Your Body

Use cold compresses or take a cool shower to help bring your body temperature down. Dr. Lamandre advises putting cool compresses on personal experiencing severe symptoms.

Seek Medical Attention

If symptoms don’t improve or if the person becomes unresponsive, call 911 immediately. Heat stroke is a medical emergency.


Staying hydrated goes beyond just drinking water. Dr. Lamandre says, “Cucumbers, watermelon, they’re actually full of water.” These hydrating foods can help you stay cool and hydrated.

Electrolytes Are Important

Hydration isn’t just about water; it’s about electrolytes too. Dr. Lamandre explains, “Pedialyte helps with the electrolytes. It really actually does help replace some of what you’ve lost.”

Foods and Drinks to Avoid

Not all beverages are created equal. Dr. Lamandre warns that drinks like soda and iced coffee can dehydrate you further because “anything that has caffeine in it is actually going to get water out of your system.”

Who is at Risk?

While anyone can suffer from heat exhaustion, some people are more vulnerable. Dr. Lamandre points out that the very young, the elderly, and those who are chronically ill are at higher risk.

But don’t forget, even healthy individuals like outdoor workers and fitness enthusiasts are also susceptible.

Final Word

Heat exhaustion is a serious but preventable condition. By recognizing early signs and taking proactive measures, such as proper hydration and dietary adjustments, you can mitigate the risks significantly. Remember to stay hydrated, listen to your body, and don’t hesitate to seek medical help if you’re concerned about heat-related illness. Stay cool and stay safe!

Hi! I’m Dr. E, The NP with a PHD. Several years ago, my wife was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and the only options given to us were heavy duty medications.

We KNEW there had to be a better way. After a long search, we discovered functional medicine.

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Functional medicine drastically changed our lives and using it I developed The KNEW Method to help others who are suffering or not feeling optimal.

Let’s work together to get you to feeling like your old self again.

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