Consult your primary care provider before starting the program. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.  Read more I understand

6 Remarkable Means To Boost Your Health & Wellness

One of the things most people are grateful for and value most highly is their own health and wellness. Boosting your physical health may help you avoid catching preventable illnesses like diabetes and cardiovascular disease and also enhance your general quality of life.

In addition to physical health, our emotional and mental health is becoming increasingly important in the management of diseases. Hence, we can’t ignore the importance of both our physical and emotional wellbeing.

It’s never too late to be better at keeping ourselves healthy. The objective isn’t to be perfect but to be aware of where we are in our intended path and what we want to reach. With patience and confidence, we may take little steps each day to improve our health and wellness.

Consider adopting some of the ideas listed below into your daily routine. It’s amazing how much better you’ll feel when you make these little changes a part of everyday life.

  1. Stay Active

Even if other health recommendations have come and gone throughout the years, the health advantages of regular physical exercise are undeniable and well-established. Active lifestyles minimize the chance of developing a number of chronic illnesses, including heart problems, type 2 diabetes, neurodegeneration, and cancer. Additionally, it helps prevent depression and other mental health conditions.

Physical activity is beneficial for everyone, from toddlers to the elderly. Most experts recommend at least 2 1/2 hours of moderate physical exercise each week, but doing more is even better.

Pairing aerobic activity, like walking, with strength training is the best way to stay in shape. Aside from that, strength exercise at least two days a week is recommended owing to its numerous advantages.

Strength exercises help support muscle mass. Moreover, these exercises positively affect blood sugar, heart rate, cholesterol, and bone strength in those who do them regularly.

Try the following ideas to maximize the advantages of physical activity:

Maintain a regular workout schedule

People who have set habits are far more likely to adhere to their fitness objectives than those who do not. That’s why it’s important to establish an exercise routine to help achieve your goals. The best way to make exercise a part of your daily routine is to set aside a specific time of day for it. It could be in the morning or after you arrive from work. The important part is to do it daily without excuses.

From high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to desk workouts, you may make your activities as easy or as complicated as you like. Lastly, don’t overlook the health advantages of walking every day. Keeping in shape doesn’t require a gym membership or expensive equipment.

Break your sitting streak

If you find yourself stuck in the chair for days on end, it is important to break up your sitting streak with a quick stroll. Many people’s professions are particularly sedentary and require long periods of sitting, which is harmful to their health. Indeed, prolonged sitting has been related to an increased risk of acquiring some chronic diseases. 

It’s a good idea to set an alarm to remind yourself to stand up and move about every hour. In fact, most fitness trackers include this feature built-in. And, they will notify you if you’ve been sitting for an extended time and have to stand up and move.

Use the stairs instead of the elevator

Every little bit counts when it comes to boosting your physical activity during the day. Try taking the stairs rather than the elevator to get some exercise when on your way to work. You can also park or alight a few blocks from work to have more time to walk. Start taking these additional steps (literally!) to better achieve your daily goal of 30 minutes of exercise each day.

Do some stretching or yoga

Sitting for extended periods of time may result in hip stiffness. This condition may contribute to a variety of other aches and pains, like back and knee problems. Exercises such as stretching and yoga may be a safe and efficient way to relieve back pain. Furthermore, it may have a beneficial influence on your mental health. 

It’s very convenient since you can try making your own yoga routine at home if you don’t have time to go to the gym.

  1. Healthy Diet

What you eat has an impact on your health and may affect your risk of contracting various diseases and conditions. If you want to eat better, you may have to rethink some of your everyday routines. Changes to your environment may also be necessary. All of the places you spend time, from your house to your workplace, are considered part of your environment.

However, healthy eating doesn’t need major lifestyle adjustments. You also don’t have to adjust your habits in a single go. To make long-term changes, it’s better to start small and work your way up. Small adjustments to your lifestyle can have a significant impact on your health and wellness over time.

Here are some tips to improve your eating habits:

Be realistic in your goals

For overall health and wellness, you need to have a long-term eating plan that is practical and sustainable. Though fad diets may seem appealing, they often fail to provide long-term effects. Furthermore, being extremely rigid with food is only effective for a specific timeframe. It may also lead to yo-yo dieting, binge eating, and other unhealthy food-related behaviors. 

Instead of vowing to abstain from all carbohydrates, consider something more practical and long-lasting. You can start by having more vegetables for dinner. Skipping the sweetened iced vanilla lattes on your way to work can also help.

Meal Planning

Whether you want to lose weight or simply boost your diet, meal planning is a simple way to get started. There are various benefits to preparing your meals ahead of time, which may not only help you lose weight but also enhance your overall health.

When it comes to our food choices, we frequently have excellent intentions, but life gets in the way if we don’t prepare ahead. Moreover, healthy eating is sometimes hampered by a lack of time and culinary expertise. The good news is that you can learn what a well-balanced diet looks like by subscribing to a customized meal planner. It’s also a good way to get into the routine of thinking ahead about your dietary needs.

Choose Healthier Alternatives

As we said earlier, you can make a big difference by making minor adjustments throughout the day! Plus, you won’t have to feel deprived or restricted when you substitute a less nutritious meal with a more nutritious one. Here are some healthy but enjoyable swaps you can choose:

  • Swapping out white bread for full-grain versions of classic sandwich meals.
  • Use mashed avocado in place of mayonnaise on a burger.
  • Eating oatmeal with fruits and nuts instead of a sweet cold cereal for breakfast.
  • Choosing a “half sweet” coffee rather than the full-sugar latte.

Drink Plenty of Water

Beverages with added sugar are a major source of extra calories and sugar in the average American diet. Many health issues, like diabetes, may be traced back to the consumption of added sugar.

For your health and wellness, water is the only choice that is safe and beneficial. Water is required for the healthy functioning of each and every cell in our body. Drinking enough water helps the digestive system operate properly, which helps to avoid constipation.

Additionally, water aids in the elimination of toxins from the body, support proper renal function and lubricates your joints and muscles. It also promotes healthier and more youthful-looking skin, as well as aids in the regulation of body temperature.

  1. Keep Your Vices In Check

We all have our vices. While these activities may be fun, they may not be good for our health. While taking pleasure in life’s little delights is necessary for a healthy lifestyle, it’s important to realize a few key aspects to guarantee they don’t negatively impact your general health.

Booze, Wine, and Spirits

After a busy day at work, many of us enjoy a beer or a glass of red wine to relax and relieve some of the tension. However, alcohol consumption should be limited to a maximum of 1-2 drinks in the evening, with no more than four hours before sleep.

Taking this step enables your body to transition into the required sleep phases healthily and naturally. Consuming too much alcohol impairs your ability to enter REM sleep, the psychologically restorative period. Hence, Overconsumption of booze may cause memory problems and overall fuzziness in those who get up the following morning after a night of heavy drinking.

Video Games, Movies, And Social Media

We are living in the heyday of the media. There’s never been a better time to get into video games, social media, or even just watching TV. The word “binge-worthy” has become a staple of current pop culture because it’s so simple to become caught in the narrative and lose track of time.

There’s no shame in watching another highly acclaimed film or Tiktok video, but you should follow a few rules to safeguard your sleep and general health. As many are aware, exposure to blue light has a detrimental effect on our sleep, as it signals our brain that it’s time to be attentive and aware. 

Blue light is beneficial throughout the day when we should be busy, but it conveys a contradictory signal to our body at night when we should be sleeping. Additionally, social media and video games might make you stimulated before bed. It’s the exact opposite of the state you want to be in as you wind down for the night.

Try to switch off all of your electronic devices one hour before going to sleep. Moreover, blue light filters may help you make it to the series finale or the next video in Tiktok if you’re in a rush. This may speed up the process of getting to sleep at night.

  1. Focus On Your Mental Health

Mental well-being is equally significant as physical well-being. If you don’t have positive mental health, it might be quite tough to have better physical health as well. Fortunately, mental health has gained considerably more recognition in recent years and has been a greater priority, both for preventing and managing mental health conditions.

Get Better Sleep

We always talk about the importance of sleep and what it can do for you. Healthy eating and regular exercise aren’t worth much if you aren’t getting the recommended eight hours of sleep each night. And yeah, we’re not exaggerating. 

Unfortunately, many of us aren’t getting the sleep we need to maintain good health. First and foremost, we must prioritize sleep. We constantly advise people to eat healthily and get plenty of exercises, but we also urge them to get enough sleep.

Sleep deprivation has become a widespread problem in our culture. We tend to place sleep so low on our list of priorities because we have other important things to attend to – family, personal matters, and professional lives. These are tough challenges, but educating individuals on the need for regular sleep and teaching them how to sleep better can make a significant impact on their lives.

Take A Break From Social Media

Anxiety and depression have been related to frequent usage of social media. If we look at other’s seemingly flawless life, we might easily compare ourselves to them without actually understanding what is going on underneath the filtered photographs. Additionally, the use of social media limits our face-to-face connections, which are essential and needed to feel close and supported.

Relaxation and Recreation

It’s easy to lose track of the things you used to like doing or find the time to curl up with a good book when life becomes busy. Setting a regular time for activities that you like can put you in a better state of mind and provide you more strength to cope with tough emotions when they come.

At the end of the day, it’s important to keep in mind that mental health is strongly related to physical health. The fact that you are treating them with love and focusing on your overall well-being will help you feel better in a number of different ways.

  1. Take Care Of Your Emotional Health

Taking care of your emotional well-being is just as essential as caring for your mental health. When you have a positive self-image and feel good about yourself, it becomes easier to deal with the highs and lows of daily life as well as major tragedies like divorce or death.

Here are some suggestions for improving your emotional well-being and self-esteem. These tips will help you stay strong through stressful situations and when bigger personal problems come up.

Laugh and Smile Often

Laughing is one of the most basic but most effective habits you can do to enhance your emotional health. Our heart, breathing, and muscles are stimulated when we laugh because we inhale more air. Additionally, it enhances endorphins generated by our brains, which have a beneficial effect on our emotions, putting us in a healthier, happier mood.

Therefore, laugh often and infuse your days with more joy. As they say, laughter may be the greatest medicine at times.

Keep A Gratitude Journal

It’s quite easy to get caught up in the unpleasant aspects of our life or to compare ourselves to other individuals’ success. Being trapped in this negative thought cycle is not only damaging but may also result in greater anxiety and stress. 

Keeping a gratitude journal may serve as a daily reminder of the good things in your life. It also helps you recognize that things aren’t as awful as they seem to be.

Be Social and Friendly

A lack of social interaction is the most common cause of mental and physical health and wellness issues. So, regardless of how hectic your family and professional lives are, make an effort to spend time with family and friends and socialize with them.

A popular adage, ‘no man is an island, is quite true. A man’s health and wellness depend on his ability to socially engage with others. Only through interacting with people can we find the acceptance and companionship we want in real life.

Moreover, interacting with other people helps to alleviate stress. If you’re familiar with laughing therapy, it serves the similar objective of relieving stress through having fun with other people.

Discover and Develop New Hobbies

Having a hobby keeps us occupied and engaged. When you have a strong interest in particular activities, and like participating in them, you are more likely to make positive efforts to enhance your emotional health and wellness over time.

Hobbies also help to relieve the stress of work and everyday life by taking the burden off the brain. Thus, finding new activities is a terrific way to sharpen your brain while also improving your mood.

  1. Limit Your Stress

High levels of stress jeopardize your overall health and wellness. Both your mental and physical health suffer when you’re under a lot of stress. In the long run, it reduces your capacity to think clearly, work efficiently, and have enjoyment in life in general.

Stress may feel insurmountable at some point. The bills may never stop piling, the days will never be longer, and your job and family obligations may always be exhausting. However, you have far more power than you believe.

In order to achieve greater levels of happiness, health, and productivity in your life, effective stress management is essential. In the end, the objective is a well-balanced existence that includes a balance of work and relationships and also time to rest and have fun.  

However, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to stress management. So, trying new things and finding out what actually works for you is important.

Practice Stress Management

While stress is an inherent nervous system reaction, some stresses occur at predictable periods, like heavy traffic. When confronted with predicted stressors, you have the option of changing the circumstance or adjusting your response. 

When determining the course of action to take in any given situation, it’s beneficial to consider the four ways of managing stress:

  • Avoid putting yourself under needless stress.
  • Change the circumstances
  • Adapt to the stressor.
  • Let go of your need to control something you can’t

Bottom Line

When it comes to health and wellness, there are several aspects to consider. And, when you’re trying to boost your health and wellness, it’s important to pay attention to your diet, exercise, and mental health. Remember, all you have to do is start making small adjustments. Start by trying out some of the ideas in this article and see what works best for your own situation.

If you want to be the greatest version of yourself, you must first and foremost look after your health. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, remember that you don’t have to do it all by yourself. You may get in touch with our team so we can assist you in getting started on your journey to living your best life.

Hi! I’m Dr. E, The NP with a PHD. Several years ago, my wife was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and the only options given to us were heavy duty medications.

We KNEW there had to be a better way. After a long search, we discovered functional medicine.

With functional medicine we found alternative ways we were able to manage her disease and get her back to feeling like her old self.

We discovered that this way of life not only helps people with various issues, including autoimmune, chronic issues and “I-don’t-feel-good-itis.”

Functional medicine drastically changed our lives and using it I developed The KNEW Method to help others who are suffering or not feeling optimal.

Let’s work together to get you to feeling like your old self again.

Are You Tired of Being Tired?

Have You Been Told “It’s your age” or “It’s your hormones?”

Are People Telling You “Just Lose Weight” or “Just Exercise More?”

You KNOW That There Is Something More…

You KNOW There Is A Better Way

If you are suffering from one (or more) of these issues – chronic pain, high blood pressure, mental fog, fatigue, low energy, poor sleep, lack of focus, loss of libido, aches, pains, or general “I-don’t-feel-good-itis”… YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE