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8 Signs of Hormone Imbalance

hormone imbalance

Feeling out of whack lately? It could be a hormone imbalance. These sneaky chemical messengers play a big role in everything from your mood and appetite to your menstrual cycle and sex drive. But how do you know if your hormones are out of balance? 

Here are eight possible signs to watch out for. Understanding these clues can help you take charge of your health and feel fabulous again, whether you’re dealing with irregular periods, mood swings, or acne. Let’s dive in!

The Basics of Hormonal Imbalance

A hormonal imbalance is when the levels of certain hormones in your body are out of whack. Hormones are produced by glands in your endocrine system (such as your thyroid, ovaries, and testes) and travel through your bloodstream to regulate various functions in your body. 

They’re like little messengers communicating with cells and organs throughout your body to keep things running smoothly. 

But when hormone levels are out of balance, it can have a significant impact on your body. Hormonal imbalances can cause all sorts of physical and emotional symptoms, such as: 

  • weight gain or loss
  • acne
  • irregular periods
  • mood swings
  • low libido
  • increases your risk of certain health conditions, like fertility problems, thyroid disorders, and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

It’s crucial to identify the signs of a hormone imbalance and do something about it. While some imbalances can be caused by aging, stress, and certain medications, there are often ways to manage them and feel your best. Don’t let those sneaky chemical messengers ruin your day – take charge and get things back on track.

Hormonal Harmony: An Overview of Common Hormones

Your body is full of hormones – these chemical couriers play a crucial function in everything from your mood and appetite to your menstrual cycle and sex drive. 

But what exactly do these hormones do, and why are they important? Let’s look closely at common hormones and their roles in the body.

  • Progesterone: This is produced by the ovaries and plays a significant role in the menstrual cycle. It helps to thicken the lining of the uterus in preparation for pregnancy and also helps to regulate the menstrual cycle.
  • Testosterone: This hormone is produced by the testes in men and the ovaries in women. It helps to regulate muscle mass, bone density, and sex drive.
  • Estrogen: This hormone is produced by the ovaries and plays a role in the menstrual cycle, bone health, and sexual development.
  • Thyroid hormone: This hormone is produced by the thyroid gland and helps to regulate metabolism and energy levels.

Having the right balance of these hormones is essential for your body to function correctly. If you’re experiencing any unusual symptoms or suspect a hormonal imbalance, it’s worth talking to a doctor to discuss your options.

hormone imbalance

Hormonal Imbalance Alert: 8 Red Flags to Watch Out For

Hormonal imbalances can cause various physical and emotional symptoms, and it’s essential to recognize the signs and take steps to address them. In this section, we’ll explore eight common signs of a hormonal imbalance.

Weight Gain or Difficulty Losing Weight

Has your scale told you something you don’t want to hear lately? It could be due to a hormone imbalance. Hormones regulate metabolism and appetite, and when they’re out of balance, they can affect your weight.

For example, if your thyroid gland isn’t producing enough thyroid hormone, it can slow down your metabolism and cause weight gain. On the other hand, if you have too much thyroid hormone, it can rev up your metabolism and cause weight loss. 


Why is acne a sign of a hormonal imbalance? It’s all about the hormones! Hormones called androgens, which include testosterone, can stimulate the oil glands in your skin and increase sebum production. 

This can lead to clogged pores and breakouts. Androgens are typically associated with males, but they’re also present in females in smaller amounts. When the levels of androgens in your body are out of harmony, it can lead to acne.

But androgens aren’t the only hormonal suspects when it comes to acne. Hormonal imbalances during puberty, menopause, and perimenopause can also contribute to acne. Some medications, such as birth control pills, can also affect hormone levels and cause acne. 

Abnormal Heartbeat or Tachycardia

Hormones greatly help regulate heart rate, and when they’re out of balance, they can affect your heart’s rhythm. The thyroid hormone is a key player when it comes to heart rate. 

The thyroid gland in the neck produces thyroid hormone to regulate metabolism. For example, if your thyroid gland isn’t producing enough thyroid hormone (a condition called hypothyroidism). Then it can slow down your metabolism and cause a slower heart rate (bradycardia). 

On the other hand, too much thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism) can rev up your metabolism and cause a faster heart rate (tachycardia).

Other hormones, such as adrenaline, can also affect heart rate. Adrenaline is made by the adrenal glands, located above the kidneys, in response to stress or excitement. It can stimulate the heart to beat faster and stronger to prepare the body for action.

Aches and Pains

Aches and pains are telltale signs of hormonal imbalance. Hormonal imbalance can cause many symptoms, but one of the most common is aching and muscle soreness.

As you age, estrogen levels drop while prolactin rises, which causes water retention in the body and inflammation. This inflammation can lead to aches and pains throughout your body. 

Another way hormonal imbalances can result in muscle pain is by causing changes to your cortisol levels. This controls stress levels, blood sugar levels, and immune response within the body. 

High cortisol levels are linked to weight gain around the belly area and anxiety disorders such as panic attacks or depression. However, low cortisol can cause poor sleep patterns and fatigue due to a lack of oxygen flow through your bloodstream.

Digestive Issues

You may have already noticed that your digestive system has been acting up lately. You’re feeling bloated or gassy, or you’ve had to run to the bathroom more than usual. This is because of your hormones—specifically estrogen and progesterone.

When estrogen levels rise, your body will produce more mucus in the digestive tract. This may cause bloating, constipation, and diarrhea for some women (and men). Estrogen also slows down motility in the gut so that food moves through more slowly, leading to nausea and vomiting.

Progesterone regulates contractions in the intestines. So when it drops during ovulation, there’s less control over bowel movements. This causes either constipation or diarrhea that depends on whether you have an excess of progesterone or not enough. This is precisely what happens when you ovulate.

Hair Loss

Hair loss may be caused by numerous things, including genetics, stress, and poor diet. But it’s also a sign that your body is not producing (or overproducing) enough hormones to keep your hair healthy.

There are several reasons why this may happen:

  • You may have underactive glands (hypothyroidism)
  • Your thyroid gland may be overactive (hyperthyroidism)
  • Your adrenal glands may be fatigued from stressors (adrenal fatigue)
  • Your ovaries may not be producing enough estrogen to support the follicles (estrogen dominance)
  • You may have low levels of testosterone, which can cause hair loss
  • You could be experiencing the effects of menopause

If you experience hair loss for no apparent reason or notice that your hair is thinning or breaking off more than usual. Then it could signify that something is wrong with your hormones or how they interact.

Low Libido or Sexual Dysfunction

Hormonal imbalances can cause various sexual symptoms, including low libido and sexual dysfunction. When hormones such as testosterone and estrogen are out of balance, it can affect sexual desire and arousal. Here are things you should know:

  • Your libido is a major factor in your sex life, so if you’ve noticed a decrease in interest or desire, it could be due to hormonal imbalance.
  • If you feel like something’s missing when it comes to your sex drive and performance in bed, that could be an indication of low testosterone.
  • When menopause leads to low estrogen levels, women may experience vaginal dryness and irritation. This can make sex uncomfortable or even painful.
  • You may experience a loss of sexual desire or an inability to achieve orgasm.

Think of it like a car engine: just like one needs the right mix of fuel and spark to run smoothly, your body needs the right balance of hormones to feel desire and get “revved up” for sex. 

If your hormones are out of whack, it can be like trying to drive a car with the wrong gas or a faulty spark plug. The engine might sputter or not run at all, just like your body might not feel much desire or have trouble getting aroused.

Changes in Sleep Patterns

Trouble falling or staying asleep may signal that your hormones are out of balance. Hormonal imbalance can cause changes in the sleep-wake cycle (circadian rhythm), which is the body’s internal clock that influences sleep patterns and wakefulness. 

Some of the main biological factors that regulate circadian rhythm include melatonin, cortisol, and thyroid hormone. Too much or too little of these may disrupt your natural sleep cycle.

Hormonal Havoc: The Common Causes of Hormone Imbalances

There are many causes of hormonal imbalance, including stress and poor diet. Here are some of the most common reasons:

  • Hormonal changes during menopause or perimenopause: As women approach “the change,” their levels of estrogen and progesterone naturally start to wane. This can cause a hormonal hiccup, leading to symptoms such as hot flashes and difficulty sleeping.
  • Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism: The thyroid gland produces hormones that help keep the body’s engine running smoothly. If the thyroid is underactive, it can lead to symptoms like fatigue and weight gain. If overactive, it leads to symptoms such as rapid weight loss and anxiety.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): PCOS is a hormonal disorder that affects women and can cause hormone imbalances such as testosterone and insulin. Symptoms of PCOS can include irregular periods, acne, and difficulty losing weight.
  • Adrenal gland disorders: The adrenal glands produce hormones like cortisol and adrenaline that help keep the body’s stress levels in check. If they aren’t functioning correctly, it may lead to symptoms such as fatigue and anxiety.
  • Pituitary gland disorders: The pituitary gland is like a hormonal traffic controller, responsible for producing and releasing hormones that help regulate growth and development. If the pituitary gland isn’t working correctly, it may lead to symptoms like changes in growth and development.
  • Certain medications: Some medications, such as antidepressants and blood pressure medications, can cause hormonal imbalances as a side effect.
  • Stress or lifestyle factors: Chronic stress or unhealthy lifestyle habits such as a poor diet or lack of exercise can also contribute to hormonal imbalances.

Keep Your Body’s Hormones Happy and Healthy

Hormonal imbalances can be a real drag but don’t worry, there are things you can do to help prevent them and keep your hormones in harmony. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

Eat like a champ

A healthy, balanced diet can go a long way in helping to support healthy hormone production and balance. Load up on fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins, and steer clear of processed and sugary foods that can disrupt your body’s hormonal harmony.

Get moving

Regular exercise can help support healthy hormone production and balance. Aim for at least 2.5 hours of moderate-intensity exercise per week, whether going for a hike, taking a dance class, or just going for a walk around the block.

Sleep like a baby

Adequate sleep is essential for maintaining healthy hormone levels. Aim for 7-9 hours of shut-eye per night to help keep your hormones in check.

Manage your stress

Chronic stress can really mess with your hormones. Try practicing stress management techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga to help keep stress levels in check and your hormones happy.

Say No To Smoking and Drinking

Both tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption can disrupt your body’s hormonal balance.


Hormonal imbalances can be a real pain, but the good news is that they’re often treatable. If you’re experiencing any of the eight signs of these imbalances, it’s a good idea to speak with a health professional for evaluation and treatment. 

With the right approach, you can get your hormones back in symmetry and feel like yourself again. Remember, your body’s hormones are like a well-oiled machine – when they work together, everything runs smoothly. So take care of them, and they’ll take care of you!

Hi! I’m Dr. E, The NP with a PHD. Several years ago, my wife was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and the only options given to us were heavy duty medications.

We KNEW there had to be a better way. After a long search, we discovered functional medicine.

With functional medicine we found alternative ways we were able to manage her disease and get her back to feeling like her old self.

We discovered that this way of life not only helps people with various issues, including autoimmune, chronic issues and “I-don’t-feel-good-itis.”

Functional medicine drastically changed our lives and using it I developed The KNEW Method to help others who are suffering or not feeling optimal.

Let’s work together to get you to feeling like your old self again.

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If you are suffering from one (or more) of these issues – chronic pain, high blood pressure, mental fog, fatigue, low energy, poor sleep, lack of focus, loss of libido, aches, pains, or general “I-don’t-feel-good-itis”… YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE